When we were house hunting, I insisted we buy a house with a yard, preferably a deck. What I got was a huge yard with a privacy fence around it, no extras. I like to entertain and I think it's just cool to eat, sit, drink and BE outside. However, when there is nothing but grass outside, the BEING becomes less appealing. As a result, we've been living in a house with a massive yard for 4 years now and I'm almost ashamed to say, we just don't make any use of it.
Our yard gets the most attention from our lawn guy/landscaper/handiman who cuts it every other week or so during the growing seasons. But all of that changes this spring. Today concludes Day 2 of my agricultural efforts. And now that I'm out there I can't figure out for the life of me what kept me from doing this sooner. Maybe it was a lack of funding, the distraction of parenting, newlywed excitement or a more interior focus. Whatever it was, I'm glad I snapped out of it and just delighted to be creating the outdoor living space I've always imagined. The goal is something like this:

Here is a recap of what's happened thus far.
Day 1
After work, I picked up a shovel and rake from a local general store, and a toy pair for my 3-year-old. Then we (and by that I mean "I") spent 2 hours raking, clearing and bagging the fallen twigs, branches and leaves. We learned that dirt don't hurt and I realized a child won't be afraid of the rustling in the trees and bushes if you just let her explore them freely. In fact, she may even say "Mommy, you make me so happy," just because you let her ruin her school clothes, and "bake" mud brownies.
Day 2
We (again that means me) started excavating a space for the pavers I'm going to put down as a giant lightbulb-shaped sitting area/patio. We discovered Home Depot thinks a wheelbarrow is worth at least $50, but a potted fruit tree can be acquired for a mere $9.99
*I've decided to document this entire process with daily entries, starting below.
Day 3 (5h)
We headed straight to Maxway when we woke up. I found a wheelbarrow for $20, managed to wedge it into the back seat next to my partner and her car seat. Then back at home I was on fire, hauling dirt, raking more leaves and after 6 hours of labor intensive I took 3 Motrin, soaked in a warm bath and had a wonderful restful sleep
Day 4 (6h)
Started early again, right after breakfast. I skipped church and a visit at my in-laws' I learned the night before that rain is coming this week so I have to keep going while my momentum is strong! More than half of the hole is complete.
Day 5 (2h)
I didn't realize how tired I was until I felt myself dozing off at work. All this labor is exhausting. My hands are sore and the back of my thighs ache. I'm almost there, no turning back now. And rain is coming so I'm in a rush to beat the forecasted storm that's scheduled to hit the day after tomorrow.
Day 6 (3h)
The hole is finished! What's G?
G is committing to back aching labor even after the sun sets because you can't stand the thought of one more day of digging.(Can you tell I've been drinking lots of Gatorade throughout this process) I hollowed out the final portion of my patio foundation, headed to Kroger sweaty and smelly with red dirt smeared all over my clothes and bought some Epson Salt and a couple bottles of Arbor Mist. Came home and did some Pilates stretching, then I soaked in the tub and sipped on the AM.
Day 7 (2h)
I realize my hole is actually probably much deeper than I needed it to be. Some portions are actually 6 inches deep and I think 3 will suffice. I realized this half way through digging this 25' x25' hole so I had to put some dirt back into the section I decided to start with. Then I went to Lowe's to pick up some of the pieces I needed. My ego was boosted when the male sales associates seemed fascinated by the fact I could lift 20" x 20" pavers on my own. They decided to help me (and slow me down by getting the crane lift out and driving the pallet to my car) but we managed to get 12 of the large stones inside my hatchback. When I reached home and my husband helped me unload those. I began placing them in the ground and managed to get one row complete. This is going to take some time, but I'm committed.
Day 8 (1h)
This massive project is creeping into my dreams now. I had a nightmare of sorts where some "professional" assured me that my work was in vain and that it wouldn't turn out right. How horrible. I started to doubt my layout and the pavers I selected. I took some time to just sketch and rethink and decided to forge ahead. I laid down another row of pavers last night and will pick up more supplies today.
Go me!