But the habit was moderate and under control. I'd drink a cup a day on weekdays in the office. Then, well, I just got carried away. I was at Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, even the gas station cappucino machines whenever the whim hit me to drink. If I missed my daily dose, massive headaches would set in. So I started sipping on the weekends. Then I started to drink multiple cups each day and into the night and that's when the heart palpitations kicked in.
Yep, my heart was fluttering like a fish. I took myself to the nearest doctor for a full check up. I had heart monitors, blood work, etc. And everything came back normal. In fact, the doctor said the results proved I was exceptionally healthy. My cholesterol was story book, my heart was strong and had the rhythmic patterns of an "athlete" she said. (I'll take that!)
And her only diagnosis was to lay off the caffeine. Really?
I took a week off, then gradually and carefully began to drink just 1 cup per day. But the hiatus helped me realize I don't need it anymore and I felt fine without it. The withdrawal symtoms (i.e. headaches) were brief and I was completely detoxed.
So drinking it again felt a little foolish, my breath felt bitter, it's hard on my teeth and it leaves a bad after taste.
I bought some flavored tea and I must admit I feel cleaner. My mouth isn't pungent and it goes down a lot smoother and there's really no need to add any sugar. It's delightful.
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