Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tortoise Soup

We all know the story of the tortoise and the hare. The former steadily and slowly moves toward the finish line, the latter swiftly assumes he'll be victorious. I just realized I am the tortoise.

Surely, I behaved much like the hare, thinking I would win, knowing I was well suited for the race. I had established talents, skills, but no focus, or direction. This left me scrambling - aimlessly flailing my arms and legs, watching the competition cruise on by toward "success"

Then, somewhat like the hare, I just took myself out of the race, but not because I knew I could catch up, I stopped trying because I'd given up, confused about why my talents weren't propelling me to victory.

I stopped running, and sat down to take stock of my reality. I got comfortable in the shade and then something miraculous happened. I became more comfortable with myself. I began to explore and enjoy my gifts and passions.

I started to understand there is no competition, we're all running individual races and the finish line is ever changing. I will cross many goal lines in my lifetime: graduation, wedding, childbirth, finding a job, quitting a job, discovering my passion, staying married, raising the child, turning my passion into a career.

And that's where I am, being a tortoise and slowly, but surely approaching another goal. Slow and steady.


JEn said...

I really enjoy your writing, it reminds me of our endless conversations on 400, thought provoking and inspiring.

Anonymous said...

i see you on Bravo, with some cooking TV show. and i see me as your tastetester. :-)
keep pushin, lady.