Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Spring Fever!

I'm Vitamin D deficient.
A good dose of sunshine will cure me. The only problem is, it's been a little too cold to dwell outdoors for extended periods of time. For instance, it is currently 49 degrees in Atlanta. And that's high in comparison to what we've been dealing with.

Now I must give credit where it's due. We were spared the frigid air for a few days earlier this month. Yep. It was a refreshing 67. But that didn't last long enough. In fact, it ended abruptly when some 20 degree weather came to town. Then last week some tornados were lurking around.

Enough already!

I am just ready for some bright colors, exposed shoulders, toes and collar bones. It's time to push the turtlenecks and cable knits back into the back of the closet and bid adieu to my boots for now.

I'm ready to get out and play in my massive backyard. I'm gonna buy myself a cute gardening hat and some gloves, clear out some space for patio furniture and a play area for the little one.

And since the sweaters will be in hibernation soon, I need to crank up the cardio. I won't be able to camouflage my wintery girth or layer with tights (that have mercifully been serving in a dual role as shapewear).

But I'm willing to do the work. I'm ready for flirty skirts and sandals and maybe, just maybe, if I focus on exercising the sun will be here before I notice.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Blue Mood

At least once a month, for reasons beyond, my control I experience a dramatic shift in my mood. My hormones regularly throw me into familiar and unwelcome states of being: insecurity, doubt, melancholy, woe, apprehension.

I'm plagued by the most unreasonable and unsubstantiated thoughts. I'm fat, I'm ugly, I'll never amount to anything, I'm such a loser. I suck at parenting. My friends don't really like me. Does my husband even love me? My parents must be so disappointed.

No need to plan an intervention! Thankfully, I'm aware of the cause and I know when these feelings begin to sprout that they're just feelings. None of it is true.That being said, it's still hard to ignore the feelings. Some days, like today, I am in such a funk I want to just sit in the dark or take an 18-hour nap. But, I can't. I have to work, coexist.

So this means I need to kick off a session of self motivation. Listening to will.i.am's "Brand New Day" on repeat, drinking Starbucks, a shopping spree in the Target $1 spot, purging into a blog post....all help usher me through the fog.

And I'm not done yet. After work today I'm going to the gym to sweat it out to my workout jams playlist, then I'll go home and soak in a luxurious bath and punctuate the evening with a fresh coat of red toe nail polish.

Tomorrow is a new day.