In case you missed it. K-ci and JoJo of Jodeci fame are apparently on drugs. Why are celebrities so prone to addictions? It's making me reconsider auditioning for American Idol, if I make it to Hollywood I may never come back. I may end up strung out on the 101, telling Diane Sawyer, "crack is whack," or just whacking my head on the stage in the middle of a performance.
That's what happens to JoJo in this YouTube video. He just falls out. It's shocking, yet hilarious. This is sad. But I can't stop laughing at it. Maybe I'm laughing because of the absurdity. It's almost like something comedians would do in a parody or some slap stick physical comedy movie.
Poor JoJo. He always came off as the grounded, "good" brother. Maybe their former producers will step in and do an intervention. Clive is getting Whitney back on track. I hope someone gets to these brothers before it's too late.
OMG you are a trip, that was pretty funny though, oh and by the way let me know when you try out for American Idol, I gotta see that one for myself!! HA
can i talk to you ... sorry, flashback. yeah, they need to get it together. i keep seeing pics of them looking half crazy.
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